Tag Archives: japan

Asian Makeover Essential Tools (Cont’d)

As promised, this post introduces how asian girls cover up their unwanted “flaws” via various makeup tools and technique, namely tackling these:

* Small iris
* Light eyebrows
* Flat nose
* Large cheek bones

*Circle contact lens (widen the circumference of the iris, hence enhance the size of the eyes, comes with different sizes, colors, and patterns)

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*Eyebrow gel/powder (darken and shape the light brows)kate1  20130320162340462507

*Nose shadow powder (produce the effect of a higher and narrower nose)

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* V Shape face serum and bronzer (smaller cheekbones and ultimately achieve face with the shape of ‘V’)


Do you think these makeup tools and tutorials are an alternative to plastic surgery? To what extend do we determine someone with excessive makeup? The amount of cosmetic products used? The time spent on applying makeup? From my point of view, the fine line that separates normal makeup wearing and BDD is the level of obsessiveness and impairment from the dissatisfaction of one’s body.

If “excessive makeup” is accompanied with the following symptoms, chances are high that it is related to BDD:

  • obsessively checking your appearance in mirrors or avoiding them completely
  • picking your skin to make it smooth
  • unnecessary worries of the body
  • seeking cosmetic surgery

For severe cases:

  • recurrent feelings of shame and guilt
  • depression/anxiety
  • misuse of alcohol or other drugs
  • self-destructive behavior
  • suicidal thoughts

Asian Makeover Essential Tools

After addressing the makeup trend in Taiwan, this post features some of the most popular “camouflage” skills in Asia. Generally, girls who are not pleased with their faces name the following oriental “flaws” that they’d like to hide:

* Tiny eyes
* Single eyelid
* Small pupils
* Light eyebrows
* Flat nose
* Large cheek bones

And what are the makeup solutions to these “flaws”?

* Fake eyelashes (comes in different length and density, girls in video piled up 3-4 pairs of lashes to achieve the “big eye effect”)


* Double eyelid glue/sticker (popular in Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea)



To be continued … Stay tuned for more essential tools and related BDD cases in the upcoming posts!

A Living Doll from Japan: Vanilla Chamu

The question from the previous post has its answer. Yes, the effect of Barbie is worldwide.

Having spent $100,000 on plastic surgery to look like a doll, Vanilla Chamu underwent 30 procedures that made her wish came true. From the radical transformation, Chamu looks like a westerner more than a Japanese.

Chamu’s procedures included:
– double-eyelid surgery
– nose job
– liposuction
– eyelash implants
– dimple creation
– breast implants

Still not satisfied with her current look, Chamu claims that she is considering height lengthening surgery. Will this put an end to her plastic surgery obsession?

Check out the BDD symptoms that Chamu fits in:
– Obsessive thoughts about perceived appearance defect.
– Obsessive and compulsive behaviors related to perceived appearance defect.
– Delusional thoughts and beliefs related to perceived appearance defect.
– Repetitive behavior (such as constantly applying make-up; regularly checking appearance in mirrors).
– Perfectionism (undergoing cosmetic surgery).